Royal Train arrives


Trenul Regal soseşte -

în mâinile bătrânului

crizanteme tremurânde

Royal Train arrives -

in the old man' hands

trembling chrysanthemums

le Train Royal arrive -

dans les mains du vieil homme

chrysanthèmes tremblantes

ō-no densha ga tōchaku

rōjin no te ni

furueru kiku




Haiku published in Cold Moon  Journal, January 2025

A few years ago we were surprised and honored by the royal visit of their majesties..... in west train station in Ploiești, Romania. Among so many people enthousiats and joyful who were waiting for the royal train with flowrs in their hands, a man was sitting near me, with a bunch of chrysanthemums in his hands. He was so emotive that the flowers were just trembling in his hands. 

The photo was taken by my sister Anca who is a great admirer of theor majesties.

Other haiku i wrote for them can be read here.
