the way Grandpa

 cum împăturește 

bunicul harta lumii…

vis amânat

the way Grandpa 

folds the world map…

postponed dream

la façon dont grand-père 

se plie la carte du monde…

rêve reporté

ojīsan ga 

sekaidjizu o oru kata

enkisareta yume




So thrilled and honored my haiku has been selected by Co-Guest Editors Sherry & Zoe Grant to be featured and commented in The Haiku Foundation - Haiku Dialogue, Dreams – Day and Night, December 2024,.

Many thanks to Sherry & Zoe and also to The Haiku Foundation team!

Sherry’s comments:

”From this poem there is a sense of hesitation and regret. I can imagine a heavy sigh. Most parents and grandparents that I know put the welfare of their young ones ahead of themselves. The sacrifice ‘Grandpa’ has made for us to enjoy a better life, reminds me of my own father, who unlike myself having played frequent concert tours, has never really travelled the world but has been dedicating himself to working hard for his children and grandkids’ sakes. I hope all grandparents’ postponed dreams in this world get fulfilled, and that their offspring will help them in realising these.”
