366 de zile #260 (16 septembrie)

prima zi de şcoală -
fetiţa îi dă fratelui
cutia ei de culori

first day of school -
the girl gives to her brother
her box of colors

le premier jour de l'école -
la fille donne à son frère 
sa boîte de couleurs

(Nihongo 日本語)
gakkō no shonichi 学校の初日
on'nanoko wa otōto ni  女の子は弟に
kanojo no iro no hako o ataeru 彼女の色の箱を与える

I was extremely happy this morning when I found my haiga has been selected as Master of the Month at NHK World Haiku Masters. Thank you so much to Mrs. Kazuko Nishimura and Mrs. Kit Pancoast Nagamura for their kind comments which made me feel excited and honored!

NHK World Haiku Masters - September 2018, Haiku Masters of the Month

Many thanks for the honour to be displayed at the Haiga Exhibition in Daikanyama Tokyo (here is a printscreen after the video)
