
aşteptând să-mi cunosc
nepoţelul de 9 luni
brăduţ de hârtie

waiting to meet 
my 9-months-old nephew
quilled*   Christmas tree

(*quilled = quilling art)
attendant de rencontrer
mon neveu de neuf mois
arbre de Noël en paperoles

(Nihongo 日本語)
kukagetsu-me no oi o 9ヶ月目の甥を
mitasu no o matte 満たすのを待って
kami no mominoki 紙のモミの木

περιμένουν να ανταποκριθεί
ανιψιό μου 9 μηνών
δέντρα από χαρτί

© Steliana Cristina Voicu

Fie ca Sărbătoarea Crăciunului să vă aducă în inimi pace, lumină şi bucurie!

Cele mai calde urări pentru 2014 şi La mulţi ani!

May the Christmas Holiday brings the peace, the light and the joy into your hearts!
Happy New Year and Best wishes for 2014!

Que la Fête de Noël apporte la paix, la lumière et la joie dans votre âmes! Meilleurs Souhaits de Joyeux Noël et Bonne et Heureuse Année !


Καλά Χριστούγεννα! Ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Έτος!

Steliana Cristina Voicu


☆sapphire a spus…
The quilled* Christmas tree
is beautiful. It is the first time I've ever seen one.
A Merry merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Steliana Voicu a spus…
Dear sapphire,
Thank you so much for your wishes! I am so glad you like my quilled Christmas tree, it took me 2 days to make it...

Have wonderful Holidays!
