first plum blossoms

Lui Iorgo

primele flori de prun
naşterea primului copil
micul ei Mărţişor

first plum blossoms
her Little March's gift
first baby birth

première fleurs de prunier
la naissance de premier bébé
son petit cadeau de Mars

saisho-no ume 最初の梅
daiisshi no shussan 第一子の出産
sukoshi kōshin 少し行進

Πρώτη άνθη δαμάσκηνου
γέννηση του πρώτου παιδιού
Μικρή δώρο του Μαρτίου


mărţişor = romanian string which consists of a white string and a red string woven together, with a little talisman attached to it. The mărţişor is weared by children and women from 1st March until the first trees blossoms, when they have to hang it from a branch in bloom (not every blossom branch, but the one of a fruit tree). It is believed that mărţişor brings health and good luck to the wearer.
