
flori de iasomie
umplând grădina …
când se sting luminile
adormim spate-n spate
fiecare cu visul său

filling the garden…
lights off
each with his dream we
fall asleep back to back

fleurs de jasmin
remplissant le jardin…
quand les lumières s'éteignent
nous nous endormons dos à dos
chacun avec ses rêves

jasumin no hana wa
niwa o umemasu
akariwokesu toki
kareno yume to kaku
senakaawase ni nemutte


Many thanks to An'ya for accepted my tanka for publication and for her comment:
„Some tanka are just downright pretty and poignant at the same time like this one that Steliana Cristina Voicu from Romania has composed. First, there is the beauty and smell of jasmine in the garden at night, and then in the final lines, a couple turned back to back each with their own dream. Each reader's conclusion of this tanka will be taken differently. Thank you Steliana for leaving it open-ended so we can dream too!”
